Final Exam Topics

Exam Time: Tuesday, Dec. 9, 8:30 - 11:30 am

My Office Hours: Monday, Dec. 8
I'll be available (somewhere in Trexler!) all day from about 8 am until 5 pm

The final examination will be cumulative. To study you should do the following (over a period of several days - not just the night before the exam!):

  1. Look at each of the topic sheets for the other tests for a detailed list of topics.

  2. Re-do each test, quiz, and pre-lab. Most of the exam questions will be very similar to questions from earlier tests, quizzes or prelabs or on concepts covered on those.

  3. Review the book, notes, class handouts and lab handouts. Also go over the Self Review questions at the end of the chapters. Rework practice problems for topics such as base conversion, twos complement, logic, circuits, writing code.

  4. Be sure to study the following topics covered since Test #3 (Sections 6.1 and up to the section on Checkboxes in Section 6.2; also Section 3.8 which talks about wrapper classes and the parseInt method; Self-Review questions #SR6.1 - 6.3 on page 324 and exercise EX 6.1 on page 325):

    1. Java components (containers, frames, panels, buttons, textfields, labels) - know the basic ideas for working with these (how to instantiate them, how to add components to panels); know the difference between a frame and a panel, know what lightweight and heavyweight containers are.

    2. Events - know what an event is, know how your program can determine which component triggered an event (in particular, know what the getSource method in the ActionEvent class returns and how you can use it to determine which component triggered the event)

    3. Listeners - know what a listener is, know what an ActionListener is, know what method one must implement to implement an ActionListener.

    4. Know the relationship between events and listeners.

    5. Know what one must do to set up a connection between a listener object and a component.

    6. Know how to get the contents out of a textfield, know what type that data is, know how to convert it to a numeric type (int or double) if necessary, understand when it is necessary to do the conversion, know how to put something "into" (set the text in) a textfield or label (and know what type of data that must be).

    7. Know what Java Wrapper classes are (section 3.8) and that you are using methods from those classes when you use the parseInt, parseDouble, and toString methods to convert from Strings to int or double and the other way around. (We also used the Character wrapper class a few times to help us learn things about char data - for example Character.isLetter(ch) tells us whether or not the char variable ch is a letter or not.)