CPSC 220 Fall 2007
HW 13: 2-3-4 Trees

Read the sections in Chapter 16 in L&C on 2-3 trees and 2-4 trees (which we called 2-3-4 trees) and answer the questions below:
  1. Show the 2-3-4 tree you get from inserting the values below in the order shown:
    5  10  25  9  12  4  6  18  8  11  2  16  7  20

  2. Show the red-black tree corresponding to your tree from (1). Use the correspondence we discussed in class to construct your red-black tree directly from the finished 2-3-4 tree.

  3. Show the 2-3-4 tree corresponding to the red-black tree from HW 12 (that is, the answer to question 13.5). Again, construct the 2-3-4 tree directly from the finished red-black tree using the correspondence we discussed in class.

  4. In general a 2-3-4 tree will have a smaller height than the corresponding red-black tree. Does this mean that the 2-3-4 tree is more efficient to search in? Explain.