Code for VoteCounterPanel

The following is the same as the PushCounter example on pages 192 - 194 of the textbook except it assumes that pushing the button is a vote for Blue (and all identifiers have been changed to reflect this). Also rather than instantiating the listener object as a parameter in the invocation of addActionListener, a listener object named voteListener has been instantiated and it has been passed as the parameter.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class VoteCounterPanel extends JPanel
    private int votesForBlue;
    private JLabel labelBlue;
    private JButton blue;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Sets up the GUI
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    public VoteCounterPanel ()
	votesForBlue = 0;
	blue = new JButton ("Vote for Blue!");

	VoteButtonListener voteListener = new VoteButtonListener();
	blue.addActionListener (voteListener);
	labelBlue = new JLabel ("Votes for Blue: " + votesForBlue);

	add (blue);
	add (labelBlue);

	setBackground (Color.white);

    // *******************************************************************
    //  Represents a listener for button push actions
    // *******************************************************************
    private class VoteButtonListener implements ActionListener
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)

            labelBlue.setText ("Votes for Blue: " + votesForBlue); 
