Extra Credit Options for Project 4

For bonus credit you can propose and implement enhancements to the interface that would make this program a better interface and a better simulation of network communication. Here are some ideas: If you have other ideas, you can work on them too. Bonus credit will be awarded for proposing enhancements (other than the ones above) that are substantial, not just cosmetic (such as color changes!), and clearly describing how they would affect the program's interaction. More credit will be awarded if you describe what needs to be done to implement the change, and even more if you actually implement your proposed changes.

To get bonus credit, create a subdirectory called Version2, Copy your source files to this new directory and modify them Do not modify your original project files !! Create a text file called Version2.txt that outlines your proposals and what you successfully implemented. Also include comments in your program that clearly designate any enhancements. Precede these comments with the line "//BONUS" so they are easily found.