Color Gradient Demo

Do the following to run a demo of your color gradient assignment:
  1. Make it subdirectory of your projects directory (different than the one you plan to develop your program in) then copy all the bytecode files (class) from the CPSC120B direcory to that subdirectory as follows:

  2. Experiment with the program. The first (leftmost) button on each button panel is the custom button - if you type in values in the Red, Green, and Blue textfields the button will change to that color (note: if you type in a value outside the 0 - 255 range or if one of the textfields is empty you will get an error). Note that everytime you click a button on the panel the numbers in the red, green, blue textfields change to reflect the RGB codes for the color just selected. If you click the Randomize button all the buttons on the panel change to random colors.

  3. Your program should have the same capabilities but your GUI does not have to look like this demo. You may come up with a much nicer design!