Lab 10 In-Class: More Classes

In this lab you will develop a class that models a random walk and write two client programs that use the class. A random walk is basically a sequence of steps in some enclosed space where the direction of each step is random. The walk terminates either when a maximum number of steps has been taken or a step goes outside of the boundary of the space. Random walks are used to model physical phenomena such as the motion of molecules and economic phenomena such as stock prices.

We will assume that the random walk takes place on a square grid with the point (0,0) at the center. The boundary of the square will be a single integer that represents the maximum x and y coordinate for the current position on the square (so for a boundary value of 10, both the x and y coordinates can vary from -10 to 10, inclusive). Each step will be one unit up, one unit down, one unit to the left, or one unit to the right. (No diagonal movement.)

The RandomWalk class will have the following instance data (all type int):

Open a file in emacs. You'll define the RandomWalk class incrementally testing each part as you go.
  1. First declare the instance data (as described above) and add the following two constructors and toString method.

  2. Compile what you have so far then open the file This file will be used to test your RandomWalk methods. So far it prompts the user to enter a boundary, a maximum number of steps, and the x and y coordinates of a position. Add the following:

    Compile and run the program to make sure everything is correct so far.

  3. Next add the following method to the RandomWalk class: void takeStep()

    This method simulates taking a single step either up, down, left, or right. To "take a step" generate a random number with 4 values (say 0, 1, 2, 3) then use a switch statement to change the position (one random value will represent going right, one left, and so on). Your method should also increment the number of steps taken. Use either the Random class or Math.random from the Math class to generate the random number.

  4. Add a for loop to to have each of your RandomWalk objects take 5 steps. Print out each object after each step so you can see what is going on. Compile and run the program to make sure it is correct so far. The walk is random so each time you run the program the positions will change.

  5. Now add to the following two methods. Each method should only contain a single return statement that returns the value of a boolean expression.

  6. Add to the RandomWalk class a method named walk that has no parameters and returns nothing. Its job is to simulate a complete random walk. That is, it should generate a sequence of steps as long the maximum number of steps has not been taken and it is still in bounds (inside the square). This should be a very simple loop (while or do... while) --- you will need to call the methods takeStep, moreSteps, and inBounds.

  7. Compile the class and correct any syntax errors.

  8. Add to a statement to instantiate a RandomWalk object with a boundary of 10 and 200 as the maximum number of steps. (You may want to comment out most of the code currently in TestWalk -- especially the user input and the loop that takes five steps -- as the walk method will be easier to test on its own. The /* ... */ style of comment is useful for this.) Then add a statement to have the object walk. Print the object after the walk. Compile and run the program. Run it more than once -- you should be able to tell by the value printed whether the object went out of bounds or whether it stopped because it reached the maximum number of steps.

  9. Now write a client program in a file named The program should simulate a drunk staggering randomly on some sort of platform (imagine a square dock in the middle of a lake). The goal of the program is to have the program simulate the walk many times (because of randomness each walk is different) and count the number of times the drunk falls off the platform (goes out of bounds). Your program should read in the boundary, the maximum number of steps, and the number of drunks to simulate. It should then have a loop (a for loop would be a good idea) that on each iteration instantiates a new RandomWalk object to represent a drunk, has the object walk, then determines whether or not the drunk fell off the platform (and updates a counter if it did). After the loop print out the number of times the drunk fell off and the number of times it didn't. Compile and run your program. To see the "randomness" you should run it several times. Try input of 10 for the boundary and 200 for the number of steps first (sometimes the drunk falls off, sometimes not); try 10 for the boundary and 500 for the steps (you should see different behavior); try 50 for the boundary and 200 for the steps (again different behavior).

  10. Finally you will write a second client program in a file named This program should simulate two particles moving in space. Its goal is to determine the number of times the two particles collide (occupy exactly the same position after the same number of steps -- the steps could be thought of as simulating time). This means your program needs a way to determine whether or not the particles (the RandomWalk objects) are in the same position. Hence, you need to add some methods to the RandomWalk class to do this. So, before writing the collisions program, add the following methods to the RandomWalk class.

    Note that all three methods are public. Compile the RandomWalk class to make sure there are no syntax errors.

  11. Now write the client program Assume the particles are in a very large space so use a large number for the boundary (such as 2,000,000). Use 100,000 for the maximum number of steps. (Don't enter the commas.) Start one particle at (-3, 0) and the other at (3, 0). You can hardcode these values into the program; no need to have the user enter them. Your program should contain a loop that has each particle take a step as long as the particles have not exceeded the maximum number of steps. The program then determines how often the particles have collided. The program should call the static method samePosition you just added to the RandomWalk class to determine if the particles are in the same position (have "collided").

    Compile and run your program to make sure it works. As before run it several times.

  12. ** EXTRA CREDIT ** In using random walks to simulate behavior it is often of interest to know how far away from the origin (in either the horizontal or vertical direction) the object gets as it moves.

    1. Add an instance variable maxDistance (type int) to the RandomWalk class. This should be set to 0 in each constructor.
    2. Now the takeStep method needs to update this maximum when a step is taken. This can be done in a single statement using the max method of the Math class (which has two parameters and returns the largest) -- the new value of maxDistance should be the maximum of 1) the old value of maxDistance, and 2) the current distance to the origin (which is defined to be the maximum of the absolute values of the current x and y coordinates). Note that if the current point is (-3, 15) the distance to the origin is 15; if the current point is (-10, 7) the distance to the origin is 10. Remember that Math.abs returns the absolute value of a number.
    3. Finally add an accessor method to return that distance so a client program can access it.
             public int getMaxDistance()
    4. Test the maximum by adding statements in to get and print the maximum distance for each of the particles after the loop.

    What to Turn In

    Turn in hardcopy of,,, and Submit your programs using the submit120 script.