Proving Properties of Binary Trees -- Examples

  1. A proper binary tree with n internal nodes has n+1 leaves.

    Base case: A tree containing a single node has 0 internal nodes and 1 leaf.
    Inductive step: If a proper binary tree with 0<=r<=k internal nodes
    has r+1 leaves, then a proper binary tree with k+1 internal nodes has 
    k+2 leaves.
    Proof: Consider a proper binary tree T with k+1 internal nodes, k>=0. 
    Since T is proper, it consists of a root plus two subtrees, each of
    which is also a proper binary tree.  Call the left subtree T1, and the
    right subtree T2.  T1 contains some number of internal nodes; call that
    number x. The root of T is also an internal node.  The remainder of the 
    internal nodes in T must be in T2, so T2 contains k+1-x-1 => k-x internal
    nodes.  By the inductive hypothesis, T1 contains x+1 leaves and T2 
    contains k-x+1 leaves.  Since all of the leaves in T are in either T1
    or T2, T must contain x+1+k-x+1 => k+2 leaves.

  2. The number of leaves in any binary tree is one more than the number of nodes with two children.

    Base case: A binary tree consisting of a single node contains 0 nodes with 
    two children and 1 leaf.  
    Inductive step: If a binary tree containing k nodes with two children has k+1
    leaves, then a binary tree containing k+1 nodes with two children has k+2 leaves.
    Proof: Consider a binary tree T that has k nodes with two children, and by
    the inductive hypothesis has k+1 leaves.  There are two ways to grow
    this tree:  by adding a child to a leaf, or by adding a child to a
    node that already has one child.  If you add a child to a leaf, neither
    the number of nodes with two children nor the number of leaves changes,
    so the property still holds.  If you add a child to a node that already
    has one child, the number of nodes with two children increases by 1, to
    k+1, and the number of leaves increases by 1, to k+2.