Balanced Tree Review Exercises

  1. Show the tree that results from inserting the following keys into

    1. an AVL tree

    2. a red-black tree (circle black nodes, not red nodes)

    3. a 2-3 tree

    In each case, show the tree after each insertion.

    Keys:  10  5  3  9  8  1  3  7  4  2

  2. Explain the relationship between red-black trees and 2-3-4 trees.

  3. Show the red-black tree corresponding to the following 2-3-4 tree.

                          10  20  30
                        /   |    |   \
                       /    |    |    \
                      /     |    |     \
                   5 6     15   25 26   35 40 45

  4. Show the 2-3-4 tree corresponding to the following red-black tree (color designated by B or R).

                              /     \
                             /       \
                           20R        80B
                          /   \      /   \
                        10B   30B  70R   100R                 

  5. In big-O, what is the time required to insert into an N-element

    1. AVL tree?

    2. red-black tree?

    3. 2-3 tree?

    Would the answer for (c) be different if it were an N-node 2-3 tree instead of a 2-3 tree holding N elements?