CPSC 120A Fall 2002
Program 3: Naming Names
Due Monday, November 18


One problem with asking for user input is that you may not get it in the form you want. For example, if you ask the user to enter a date there are a number of formats that he or she might choose (Month Day Year, mm/dd/yy, mm-dd-yyyy, etc). Asking for a full name seems safer; you'd expect to get something like "Mary Sue Jones" or "Michael John Smith." But you might get something like "mary jones" or "Michael john Smith." This can make the input difficult to process and can interfere with producing clean-looking output.

To remedy this, programs often put input into some kind of normal form. For example, normal form for a date might be mm/dd/yyyy format. Normal form for a name might be First Middle Last. In this program you will put names into normal form.

Program Description

Write a Name class with the following public methods: In normal form the name should have the following properties: Note that normal form is not always appropriate, e.g., McCarthy will become Mccarthy. For these cases, the setName method allows the user to override the normalization. Calling the setName method should not change the initials -- they should be determined when the name is first created (in the constructor).

Also note that the name given to the constructor may have any number of parts, e.g., Sue, Sue Brown, Sue Ellen Brown, Sue Ellen Smith Brown, and so on. You must deal with any length name effectively.

To test your Name class, write a driver that asks the user to enter a name, then prints a menu of options allowing the user to see the full name, see the initials, set the name (overriding the normalization), or quit. Don't print the menu every time, but be sure the user knows how to get it if he or she needs it. For example, a run of your program might look like this:

** Welcome to the name program!! **
Enter your full name:  MARY    sue MCCarthy

** Options: **
1: Show full name
2: Show initials
3: Set name (won't be normalized)
4: Quit

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 1
Mary Sue Mccarthy

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 2

Enter choice (0 to see menu):3
Enter new name: mary sue McCarthy

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 0

** Options: **
1: Show full name
2: Show initials
3: Set name (won't be normalized)
4: Quit

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 1
mary sue McCarthy

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 2

Enter choice (0 to see menu): 4


Program Structure

Use a StringTokenizer to find the parts of the name the user enters. Call private methods as necessary to get the work done -- your program should be cleanly broken into pieces. We will discuss program structure in more detail in class.

What to Turn In

Turn in hardcopy of your Names.java and TestNames.java programs and tar up the directory and email it to bloss@roanoke.edu. Put cpsc120 prog3 in the subject line.