CPSC 120A Fall 2002
Program 1: Bricking a Walk
Due Friday, September 20


With free time on their hands now that you have left for college, your parents have decided to beautify their back yard by constructing a circular garden surrounded by a brick walk. They have not decided how big the circle should be, or how wide the walk, as they are concerned about the cost of materials. They know that it takes five bricks to cover a square foot,and that bricks are sold in straps (cases) of 100. They have a few old bricks lying around, and would like to use them if possible. They plan to construct a mortarless walk, which requires six inches of sand under the bricks. Sand is sold by the pound, and a cubic foot of sand weighs about 130 pounds.

You have offered to help them out by writing a program that takes the diameter of the garden and the width of the walk and prints out the area of the walk and the quantity of bricks and sand needed. See below for details on input and output.

Input and Output

Your program should prompt the user for the following input: Provide the following information as output: All of this should be nicely formatted and labeled. For example, for a garden 10'8" in diameter and a walk 3'2" wide, your output might look like this:
Your garden is 10 feet, 8 inches in diameter.
Your walk is 3 feet, 2 inches wide.
The total area is 137.6 square feet.
Materials needed:
  Bricks: 6 straps plus 89 additional bricks 
  Sand: 8945.2 pounds 

Program Requirements

Store the dimensions that the user inputs in integer variables -- the user is providing whole numbers of feet and inches. However, your calculations should be as precise as possible, using floating point (double) values and variables as appropriate. Minimize the use of literal values in your program; in most cases you should use named constants instead.


Provide a program header that gives your name, the name of the file, and a description of the program. Use good names for variables and constants, and use an explanatory comment whenever a variable's function is not clear from its name. Follow the capitalization conventions discussed in class. Your code should fall into logical sections (e.g., input/several groups of calculations/output), with each section introduced by an explanatory comment.

What to Turn In

Turn in hardcopy of your program and e-mail the source code to bloss@roanoke.edu. Put cpsc120 prog1 in the subject line. Both the hardcopy and the e-mail are due by 4:00 on the date above.