Hands On session on Param 10000

Objective: To Learn How to Execute a Parallel Program using MPI on Param 10000.ppp


  1. Connect to param :

    telnet param (OR)  telnet

  2. Logon to param using your assigned username and password.

  3. Find the directory examples in your home directory. It has sample C programs that use MPI in the sub-directory called C-LANG.

  4. The directory C-LANG contains several files that will be used in this session.

    File name Brief explanation

    Mpi_Hello_World.c This file contains a program that is executed by each process created in this session. All processes other than process 0 send a message to process 0. Process 0 receives these messages and prints the messages and the number of the originating process.
    Makefile This is a file that is used by the Unix utility make. Using make automates the process of compiling and linking programs. (Click here for some detailed documentation on the make utility.)
    run.pg This is a file that specifies how many copies of the process called run should be started. The file also specifies the processor on which each process should start.

  5. Compile the program Mpi_Hello_World.c using the command
    The Makefile in your directory specifies the compiler name, and the appropriate directives to create an executable called run. Verify that the executable run has been created in your directory by the above make command.

  6. Running an MPI program.
    There are two ways to run the executable run.

    1. Run the program with the command:
      mpirun -np 4 run
      The command mpirun runs the executable given on the command line---in this case the name of the executable is run. The option -np 4 specifies that four copies of this program should be started. mpirun distributes the processes equally among the available processors. In the case of Param10000 there are four nodes, each node having two processors. mpirun will distribute the processes so that each node gets one process.

    2. Run the program with the command:
      (Note: Before you run the program as above, edit the file run.pg and change each occurrence of handson1 to your username.)
      In this case, the file run.pg is used. (If the name of the executable were Hello, then the file Hello.pg is used.) The file run.pg specifies one process per line of the file. The first field on each line is the name of the node on which to execute that process. The second field is the rank---either 0 or 1. For now, the first line should have a rank 0, and all the other lines in the file should have rank 1. The third field on each line specifies the complete path to the executable that is to be run as the process. (In our case all the lines have the same executable; in general, though, each line could specify a different executable.) To add to the number of processes, simply add suitable lines to the run.pg file.

    In either case, if a total of n processes were started, the output of the program should contain (n-1) lines of output, one from each process whose number is not 0.